Problems identified:
- The production lines in question had complex electrical interconnecting wires, which over time had been adapted without a schematic drawing to assist.
- The air lines interconnecting each machine had the same issues.
- Timescales were presented to us regarding the above, to matchmark, disconnect and reconnect the above, something they just could not afford to achieve. although cost was not the main issue, the downtime presented them with customer issues.
- so long as we can move the machines over a weekend period, working nights with there other contractors could be achieved, the only problem was they had no contingency if any part of the phases did not reach the timescale.
FPA Ltd viewed the site and machinery in question, they came up with a bespoke system to lift all the machines in 1 cell, placing steel plates and bracing them together and skate them across the floor.
The customer took a little encouragement that we could fulfil our obligations as what we offered them as a solution seemed bizarre! we agreed that we would move one cell per weekend, refresh any concerns for the next phase and continue to roll out the project under there agreement.
The result was that cost was more extensive than the standard lift and shift values, but the method ensured that contingencies were not required.
The operation was successful from beginning to end.. although the staff at FPA had some reservations regarding there attire!!
we didn’t take too many photo’s the guys wouldn’t pose for the camera!